Alex, Mumbai

Hi, I am Alex(she/they), a trans-non-binary being from Bombay. Although currently designing and illustrating, I have pursued a degree in textiles and fashion from NID and look forward to potentially becoming a trained Waldorf educator.

For the longest time, I thought the voices of hate and disdain in my head were that of others only to realize that so much of it was my internalized transphobia all along. Every day is a constant battle in dismantling gendered expectations only to emerge out of it a tad bit stronger and safer in my own body; so that one day I can see my body not as a being that lacks but a force that survives and thrives.

What keeps me going is the physical urge to create. When I'm not working and resting I find joy in visiting galleries, spending time with my family and scribbling profusely with crayons.